A big step was taken in 2017 with the passing of the Infrastructure Bill. This legislation committed to road and bridge maintenance and repairs. It also included an overhaul of the Department Of Transportation. The bill sets aside 10% of the estimated total cost to bring all roads and bridges in South Carolina up to an acceptable level. This is a great start, but more work needs to be done to determine how best to fund the additional 90%. This will be an important part of ensuring continued economic growth in South Carolina. In Berkeley County and other rural counties in SC, business leaders, non-profit organizations, and government officials will need to continue to work together to find solutions and put them into place. Part of the solution must include public transportation options.
A discussion of infrastructure in South Carolina must include broadband access in the rural areas of South Carolina. In the last year, USDA has partnered with Home Telecom to install broadband access to a rural area of Berkeley County, providing additional on-line access to the community for on-line learning and telehealth.
I support:
1. Equitable funding of road maintenance and repairs.
2. Broadband installation and access for rural areas to facilitate on-line learning and telehealth.
3. Public transit options.